Future City
“The Future City Competition is a national, project-based learning experience where students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade imagine, design, and build cities of the future. Students work as a team with an educator and engineer mentor to plan cities using SimCityTM software; research and write solutions to an engineering problem; build tabletop scale models with recycled materials; and present their ideas before judges at Regional Competitions in January. Regional winners represent their region at the National Finals in Washington, DC in February.”
For more information, visit the Future City Website at futurecity.org or contact the current Section President.
Truss Bustin’
A competition for high school students typically held during E-Week each February. The students build trusses of balsa wood and test them to failure.
For more information, contact the Current Section President.
Engineering 101
Outreach Materials
If your classroom or organization is interested in a civil engineering visitor to give a presentation or lead an outreach activity, contact the current Section President for more information.
ASCE Pre-College Offerings
If your classroom or organization is interested in a civil engineering visitor to give a presentation or lead an outreach activity, contact the current Section President.
Check out our local Civil & Environmental Engineering University: University of Nebraska Civil & Environmental Engineering